Our New Year’s Resolution was to keep up a weekly blog schedule to document our adventures, both the celebrations and challenges. In doing so, we’ve written a lot about our recent adventures and the many upgrades/maintenance performed on Nymeria. What we haven’t done is give you all the details and specs on the boat itself. We’ve updated the ONA website with a new page: Our Boat We attempted to give specific information about Nymeria, inside and out. Also, I added links to previous blogs that might go into more detail on a given topic. We hope to attach more videos and maybe even a tour of Nymeria herself in the upcoming weeks.
Where are we now?

We are still at the dock in Kemah, TX and working to get more miles under the keel. In order to do that, we’re constantly working on our To-Do list and we’re are happy to announce that, though it is still long, mostly consists of wants instead of needs. We’ve done the big projects that were required to get us sailing safely with rigging, sails, electronics, engine and power. We’ve also tackled making live a bit more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing with new canvas over the cockpit, interior cushions and exterior teak work.
Now that these “needs” have been completed, we’re moving on toward the items on the list that are not required but would be really nice to have. We’re just getting started on upgrading/replacing our head and toilet system that will probably include many “might as well” upgrades in addition to the original estimate. We’ve also got an eye out for a new dingy and Justin wants to make some changes to our hydraulic autopilot. Plus, with it already warming up outside, we expect our air conditioner to die at any moment.
We are also planning on doing the Harvest Moon Regatta again this year so we will be gearing up and making preparations for that again in October.
Where are we sailing?

We are currently still sailing in the Galveston Bay in our boat and on our friends racing boat. Now we aren’t as worried about system failures while away from the dock, we’re taking Nymeria out as much as we can. We’re going out during the week for evening sails and lovely sunsets. We’re going for longer daytime sails on the weekends and to anchor out over night to gain more confidence. We’ve clocked the amount of time that it takes us to switch from working mode to sailing mode and it’s down from almost an hour to around 20-25 minutes.
Now that things are opening up after COVID-19, we are planning some small weekend trips around the area to get a change of scenery.
When are we leaving Texas?