This is a first, I’m actually writing this post while on the anchor. The last few months have sucked, to be honest. Both for the obvious reasons, and becasue we’ve not been out sailing as much as we want due to temperature, storms, and/or boat work. Now though, things are finally changing. The first cold front just came though bringing the daytime temperatures down to a livable 85, and a nighttime temp down to a comfortable 70. We actually timed a good weather window on our free weekend, and currently there are no pending boat work jobs that will keep us at the marina.
So, earlier this morning, after Shannon finished her paperwork for the day we set off. This isn’t just a little day sail either. We have a full tank of water, a full fridge of beer, champagne, and food. We even brought along Lady, our new dinghy so we can get off the boat if we want to. The weather looks good, the water is calm. What more can we ask for.

Were currently anchored at a spot called Noahs Arc. Named for a restaurant/bar on the shore on Galveston bay. Its not the most protected spot, and the wind isn’t favorable, but its supposed to die down over night. So far though, we’ve had lunch and settled in for a bit and the slight rocking of the waves isn’t really too bad and is expected to just get better as the wind dies.

So, here we are, relaxing and rocking in the waves. Pretty much exactly what we signed up for. Its time to close the computer, set up the hammock and take a nap I think.