Embracing Island Time

We are so excited to make it back to The Bahamas. We are relearning how to embrace "island time" again, both in our expectations for how quickly things move here and in not putting pressure on ourselves to be "busy" all the time. We're just trying to soak up every minute.

The one with the engine trouble

Since our last post in the Bahamas, we safely and quietly made it back to the states and have been making our way up the East Coast. We made a beautiful 250nm from the Bahamas to St. Augustine then an uneventful 195nm offshore to Charleston. We’ve enjoyed visiting some of our favorite places from…

Green Turtle Cay

After spending 3 nights at Manjack/Nunkack Cay and after being away from “civilization” for a bit, we were excited to head to Green Turtle Cay. This island is only 3 miles long but divided into 2 halves with the White Sound to the North and the Black Sound to the South. The White Sound…

Next Generation Generator

Shannon and I have lived onboard Nymeria for over five years now. Much of that time was spent tied up and plugged in at a marina. Since arriving in the Florida Keys over a month ago, we’ve spent nearly all of it on a mooring ball. For as much time as I spent studying…