
Feels like we are on an up-slope. Last we updated here, we were struggling with a seemingly endless projects that were either not started or partially complete Including this post it seems, as I wrote this back in July). Unfortunately, that’s boat life. We knew that before we started, but it is tough to…

Reset, Reassess, Recommit

Hard to believe that it has been since November of 2018 that we checked in and wrote on our blog. I have never really kept a diary or any type of travel journal in the past making the blog something that does not cross my mind unless it pops up on my Todoist app…

I guess Summer is over now.

First, we need to apologize for not updating everyone to exactly what is going on.  We did many things over the summer, some very fun, others not so fun. If you look at our position now, compared to the beginning of the summer… well, were in exactly the same place.  We unfortunately ran into…

Diesel Debugging

Debugging is a difficult process. As a software engineer I do it regularly so I’d like to think I’m pretty good at it. After our engine failure last week I thought that I could apply those skills to figuring out our engine troubles. After all diesel is pretty simple, all it really needs is…

Engine failure at sea!

There are not many moments in sailing better than when you hoist the sails and shut off the motor. On the other hand, the moment the engine shuts off and you didn’t want it to, that’s another story. One day in March, Shannon and I were out on just another weekend day sail. The…

Where did the time go?

Wow, where have the last four months gone? I’m not real sure, but a lot has happened in that time. Hopefully this will serve has a catch up, and we will start keeping you more up-to-date with more frequent updates again. So, what have we been up to? Well, mostly we’ve been sailing and…

Goodbye 2017

Shannon and I had our last sail of 2017 on Friday. The weather has been essentially terrible over the last few weeks. So finally, when the rain cleared up, we untied Nymeria from the dock and set off for a cold, winter day sail in the Galveston Bay. After getting out of the channel…

Reduction Recipe

From the moment that Justin and I decided to make the move onto a sailboat, I started looking around our 1200 square foot house and became immediately overwhelmed. Though our house wasn’t wall to wall furniture or filled with knick-knacks, we were quite full and we also had a garage lined with boxes. We…

Finally, a new Video. Day sailing in Galveston bay

 Its been a long time, but we’ve finally “finished” another video. Some famous director once said, a movie is never done, it just escapes.  In this video we take our first day sail out in the Galveston bay, and please the gods by pouring lots of champagne overboard. Enjoy!