We repowered our boat with a Beta 25

Now that we have finished the full repower of the diesel engine on Nymeria, it is probably time for a complete update. The process was significantly more difficult than we had planned. It took nearly a year from the decision to proceed, to the day we left the work dock under our own power.…

Nicholas the 1st

“That’s a new noise” I said as we lay in the berth trying to sleep. A few seconds later we hear the noise again. Sounds like something is coming loose. “Is it coming from our boat? Is that the dodger rattling?” Shannon asks. “Sounds like it, but I guess I should go check.”  It’s…

Firefly Part II: Electric Boogaloo

Well, Its happening again. One of my favorite upgrades of Nymeria is the battery and electrical system. One of the first upgrades we made was to add four Firefly Oasis batteries (465Ah, 5.58Kwh) . They were and are considered near top of the line for AGM batteries. About a year after install they began…

Wine Not?

For those of you who have sailed on Nymeria, we have a tradition of having a glass, or two, of Champagne when we safely make it back to the dock after a sail. It is an Erickson Rule to always have a bottle of Champagne in the fridge and it’s a self-imposed regulation that…

Be like water

Last weekend, we were finally able to gather friends and family to say goodbye to my father, The Bruce. Once again the Erickson luck prevailed. Even though we had planned the event months ago not really know what the status of COVID would be or the typical random spring weather. Last Saturday we were…