Droning around: DJI Mavic Mini Review

I’ve Been wanting a Drone for years. Someday when we get back into making videos it will be great to have. But until then I just get a new toy. To say I’ve been researching extensively is a slight understatement. I’ve been obsessively reading reviews and specs, and watching YouTube reviews of nearly every…

Where it all started

It was 8 years ago this week that this sailing bug really hit me. Before that sailing was a thing that I had done on rare occasion with friends on their little sailboats on little lakes in the mountains. I do (barely) remember sailing on my grandfathers boat on Lake Superior, but I was…

Teak Madness

There comes a time in nearly every boat owners life that they must confront. What should we do with the teak? You can ask 100 sailors what they would do, and get 100 different answers. Answers range from emphatically saying “NO TEAK!” to “You have to lovingly touch up the varnish weekly, its a…

Weekend at Anchor

Are we dragging? I think we’re dragging. Crap, we’re dragging! The wind was blowing 40+ knots, other boats in the area had started heading home, and we had just started dragging our anchor. This was after we had already settled in for the afternoon and had popped our first bottle of Champagne. After weeks…

Small Successes

There are times that it seems like we are stuck in a loop (cue Westworld theme). During these times I have found that if you look for the small things you might find that life is better than it feels. This week was a good example of that. While it may seem like we…

Pier People

Living in a marina is an interesting experience to say the least. I’m not sure I can even come up with a good analogy becasue it is so different. My first though was trailer park, but while some of the odd stereotypes are true, its just not right. Maybe suburbs, but that’s not good…

Firefly Redeemed

A few months ago we started having some battery issues. Specifically, we no longer had anywhere near the capacity we should have. Our battery bank is rated at 465Ah, but we were only getting about 50. We’ve been working with Firefly directly as well as through their distributors and I’m happy to say that…

Closing Distance, Constant Bearing

Sailboat racing is an interesting sport. Things move really slowly, until they don’t. A few weeks ago, Shannon and I went out on Nemesis, a race boat that we often race on, for some spinnaker practice. This was in preparation for the Bay Cup I race, an annual two part race out in Galveston…